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Hi everyone! Thanks so much for saying hello! It's great to have you here.

@Judy S: I'm also working on a family history project and I'm somewhat overwhelmed by it all! Trying to collect all the photos from different places, editing them, trying to figure out who's in the photo and then arranging them on the page! Any advice would be appreciated.

my name is Saskia and I come from Germany.
I have 2 children, a man and a hangover.
I am working since 2000 with image processing and since 2007 I do because I wanted to beautify the photos of my grand daughter like to digiscrap.
I was working with some different programs but now almost only with GIMP.
I also even like to decorate and write tutorials on German.
visited me on time: Supersuzis Scraps & freebies and: Tutorials

my English is mega bad, but luckily my browser translated everything automatically...

Hi everyone, I'm Leanne from Iowa. I have a 26 yr old and an Autistic 11 year old son, my joys and trials in life have been these wonderful sons and my 2 year old grandson. I have two feline daughters who are more temperamental than the boys.

I happened to stumble upon this site in my quest to improve my scrapping skills to celebrate the grandson's life. I enjoy designing hybrid printables/templates, making rosaries and bracelets, cross stitching, and the list goes on. LOL! The joy of digicrafting started in 2003 with a Hallmark program and I have progressed to PhotoImpact X3.

Hi I'm Martha from California, I also found by accident and have been in love with the site, THANK YOU Marisa & Jordan!!

Hi all, I'm Maureen and go by the name makeyesup as it suits my lifestyle. Retired, widowed, love scrapping, traveling, reading, and especially taking part in my grandkids lives. Never paper scrapped as I have too much "stuff" around the house and started digital after my trip to Italy in 2006. Wanted to preserve those memories and now do that with other trips. However, probably most of my layouts are the lives and times of the 2 youngest granddaughters as now that i am retired can enjoy them more.
Have come to Marissa' blog for quite some time and love her work. The new site is awesome, kudos on all the work you and your husband did on this, been waiting patiently ( or impatiently) for it to come live.

Hi, I am Renate from The Netherlands. I found by accident and I have to catch up with what is happening here.

Hello out there! I am Sandy. I am an illustrator/artist. I can't scrap to save my life but I love patterns so I use this wonderful site to help me fill in some of my illustrative work. I wanted to say thank you to Marisa for answering my commerical use question. I know I'm a bit late in responding but I've finally got my art work situated for public view and this was important before I started introducing myself. I am a stay at home mom and home school teacher by day and illustrator by night. My work is mainly intended for children and females. I enjoy creating childhood expressions and girly stuff like floral pixies and girly females. Although I like girly girl designs I think I only have one for now but most of my work is either my sweet bunny girl Edna or my floral pixies. You can find my work on greeting cards so please check out my profile page to find out where you can view my shops. I hope this site stays around for a long while. I enjoy being able to pick patterns for my work.

I'm Gail and I live in Pennsylvania. I found about a year ago, and have stopped by quite often! I am a digital designer at Digiscrapstation. Thank you for making this such a great site and sharing your wonderful talents.

Hi, I am Nancy. I live in Colorado and I love it here. I have lived in many other states in my life, but I feel "at home" here.

I am just learning to scrapbook, although I have been around the websites for a while I have only really scrapped a few pages.

I love it that there are great tutorials here on this website and I appreciate the free stuff, especially if your like me and you are not sure if you can even do it!

My pages have turned out pretty good, but I don't want pretty good - I want wonderful, beautiful and more complicated pages for myself!

Hi everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by and saying hello. It's so wonderful to meet everyone who uses the site.

@Nancy: I know what you mean about wanting better pages. Whenever I look at my older pages I want to delete them out of the gallery. But I leave them up so people can see where practice will get you. And I still have hopes to improve more!

Hi !!
I live in France ... Mum of 2 kids : a girl (10 months) & a boy (3 years), housewife for the moment...
I scrapbook a few years now and I create kits since 1 year now ...
See you soon !

@Nancy @Marisa: I fully understand this smiley I usually to get happier to ever page I made, but i still feel to newbie, I always think that I can improove..

Hi all, i am Moontje and i live in the Netherlands. I love scrapbooking, i am scrapping for a year or 4 i think. I used paint shop pro, gimp, but now most of the time i use photoshop. A couple of months ago i found pixelscrapper and i liked it very much. Once in a while i checked the page but now i love it with the forum and all. I do not have much time off, but if i have the time for my hobby.......than i am really addicted.

My name is Cherie and for those wondering it's not pronounced "sherry", LOL!! I have 2 boys and 2 cats and I love scrapbooking and greeting cards. I love making handmade cards and crafts items some of which are considered mixed media. I also enjoy designing printable crafts sheets that crafters download and print to use in their crafting, handmade greeting cards and scrapbooking projects. I don't make a lot off my designs yet so find free resources is heaven sent for me. Especially since I pay for Netflix with my earnings so my son can have his cartoons and kid movies!!

Welcome everyone! So glad to have you here!

Hi everyone!
My name is Delphine and I live in France!

Hi Delphine, you are here too smiley

I haven't been to in several months... and just signed back up tonight after reading on another blog about the scavenger hunt... (sorry can't remember who's now since I found several parts now) smiley Looks like things have changed tremendously around here. I will try to figure out this new credits thing. LoL

Any who... I'm a SAHW and I love to scrap, although time lately this year has been unkind (health issues) to me/us... smiley I scrap digitally and traditionally. I have a Cricut & Wishblade and I love to make things for around the house with them!!! I am a self-professed "pin"aholic!!! Pinterest is sooooo addictive and no I don't want to join any groups to get help quitting! smiley I got into scrapping about 12 years ago because I absolutely love photography and was working on my husbands and mine genealogy at the time. It has grown into an obsession on so many levels. I never knew I was such a crafty person until the past couple years. I also love to piece quilts (the designing & sewing) but actually despise the putting together of one (as far as the layers & binding) to make it usable... LoL

Can't think of what else to write right now... so I'll leave you with that info for now. smiley Blessings! Shawna
PS I will try to find a photo to upload soon. Can it include our spouse?

Hi Shawna. Looks like you found a nice photo. I'm thinking of starting a genealogy thread because I'm working on a project right now and I'm finding it overwhelming. I'd love to get ideas and methods from people who've progressed farther than me (I'm mostly collecting and sifting through photos).

Hello all smiley
I'm Donna and I'm from sunny Brisbane, Australia. I live here with my husband, two kids and two crazy cats (oh, and there's some fish, but I don't like them, so they don't count smiley)

I've seen the name around the place before but ended up coming to check the site out properly after a post from Marisa on another scrapping site. It looks pretty cool, and has a lovely community feel.

I've been scrapping for about 9 years and been a digital designer since 2008. I took a break at the end of last year to focus on other things (still did freebies though!), but I'm getting ready to head back to it.

Hello! I am Lorene aka Lorene-Digital Diva
I have been designing since2006- I am really loving this site!

I Live in Texas in USA with my husband and 5 children-and all our pets, dogs, cats, fish, bunnies-yeah crowded house. See you all around!

This would be great! I've been working on my family tree on ancestry .com for almost a year now. I've managed to get pretty far but they seemed to "recycle" names through each generation so I am starting to get lost. I can spend hours looking through old census files, naturalization records and war records. I found a drivers license for a horse drawn buggy for a great-great uncle from 1922. It was for a horse drawn ice wagon that he drove through the streets of New York. Awesome find smiley

Hi! Thanks for introducing yourself!

Hi everyone. Thanks for having me. I live in Vermont with my hubby of 19 years, my 17 yo daughter and her 11 month old daughter. I also have another daughter who is 22 and a step son who is 23. He has 5 month old twin boys and a 4 year old stepson. They all keep us busy.

I have just discovered your amazing site. I am a digital hoarder, I even have trouble deleting the bad photographs lol
I love paper crafting, and from there into digital as well.
I have only started scrapbooking - beautiful granddaughters will do that smiley

I am from Calgary AB Canada, but have lived a few places across our country - never international, although that might be fun.
I am owned by 5 Ragdolls and 1 DSH (cats) at the moment
Hubby and I celebrated 30 years of marriage this past June. I have plans to redo our wedding album as one of our two children spilled milk on our album, years ago.

Hi, my name is Melouise Vrijhof, or Melo as everyone calles me. I'm a 36 year old working mom of two kids (a girl age 3 and boy 1,5) from Holland. I work as a graphic and webdesigner. A little over a year ago i stumbled upon a scrapbook layout while searching the internet for something work-related... and fell in love instantly! After reading about digiscrapping a lot and watching hundreds of tutorials i started downloading some freebies, just to try out his scrapbooking - and i haven't stopped since. I love freebies (maybe something to do with being Dutch? smiley ) but since i always use freebies on my layouts randomly (aka not by designer) i've hesitated posting my LO's in shop-gallery's. This community seems to be the place for me, since i've been itching to share and join the scrap-community-fun!

Hi I am Sherri, I live in the United States. I am new to scrapbooking. But love it. My mother put me on to it about a year ago. At the moment I am going to school working on a BAS.

My name is Sunny, and I am excited about Marisa's website and being here with all of you. I am 61 years young, and just getting ready to retire from 29 years of service with the U.S. Government. I am married, and our kids are grown, married with families of their own - we have 15 grandchildren as of last count. We currently live in Alaska, but have purchased a nice little farm in Oregon that will become our forever home. We are planting a fruit orchard and a vineyard there, so it is a busy life for us. Lots of fun and adventure! My husband and I like to take small trips around the states, and I am never without my trusty Nikon.

I was never much of a paper scrapper - it just seemed so crazy to have so many supplies and messes going on, and having to store all of that STUFF. I switched to digital scrapping very easily, because it makes more sense to me. I haven't taken any art or design classes, so I am self-taught by trial and error - what a journey! I use PS CS3 most of the time. I would love to have the opportunity to share some of my work with others, too. I love the points system here at Pixel-Scrapper. What a wonderful philosophy.

I am a strong believer in documenting our genealogy through family memories. Scrapbooking is more than just a hobby; it is a very critical legacy for future generations. My passion for graphic design fits right in with my mission to capture the stories and photos of past generations. I am here to learn, listen, participate, and grow - and most of all, to enjoy!


Hello everyone! my name is Trish I just happened to run across the blog today. I have spent some time looking around and liked what I saw, so I thought I'd signup! I don't have much to tell, I am really new to all of this. I just wanted some pretty backgrounds to put with family photos. Hope everyone has a great day and see you later!

My name is Tara. I live in the US. I'm a stay at home mom with two little girls. I started paper scrapping a several years ago, but never quite got the hang of it. I've just started digital scrapbooking, and love it. I love the fact that I don't have to store tons of physical supplies, if I make a mistake I can hit undo, and I don't use up my stash. I still have a lot to learn and I'm looking forward to playing with the templates to make custom papers and such that are available here at Pixel Scapper.
