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Hello, I have done a lot of paper crafting, but now have an interest in digital scrapping.

Nice to be here. I look forward to browsing through the wonderful things I see here.

Can I say that I love your generosity, Marisa, and how you share so much with this community? Also, I think you have some brilliant ideas of how to build this community! Some great minds here, lol!

I'm Sula, in the scrap-community also known as suladesign (my usual username). I love digiscrapping, create layouts for several designers, and run a blog where I talk about digiscrapping and share lots of inspiration (and freebies when I have the time to create them).

Welcome Esther, Sarah, Ali, Lynn, & Sula!!! So glad to have you ladies join us... What a diverse group of backgrounds in crafting you ladies come from. I just love seeing us all come together in one place. Look forward to getting to know you all even more as time goes by. smiley

A warm welcome to all of you! Descovering a bit about all of you is really cool smiley

I LOVE LOVE LOVE your work!!!!

Hi there-

I'm somewhat new to digital scrapbooking. I've been dabbling since February, but really didn't start until June. Even then, I don't have a lot of time to scrap as much as I would like. I like this site because there are times when I know what kind of paper/colors I want, but they're not in my kit. I'm still learning how to make this stuff my own, but I appreciate the opportunity. smiley


So glad to have you Misty! Welcome to PixelScrapper!!! smiley

Hi everyone, I am new to and digital scrapbooking. I am a waitress (33 years) and a lunch lady for 3rd-5th graders (14 years) and I design greeting cards via digital art and photography. The last is how I came across this site and must say I am overwhelmed by Marisa's generosity in providing such wonderful digital resources.
I made my first layout for the black and white challenge and am hoping to be able to meet the criteria to add it to the challenge. It was so fun and I can see this becoming a new hobby! I look forward to seeing all there is to see here and creating with these beautiful assets.

Welcome Betsy... So glad to have you as part of this hobby and our home here at PixelScrapper. smiley Can't wait to see your layouts.

Thank you Shawna!

I just stumbled upon this site. I am new to the art, but look forward to discovering all kinds of new things.

I used to love scrap booking with my mother when i was a little kid (i still look back at old scrapbooks of mine, and think 'what was I thinking?!?') I came upon this site a few months ago, and decided to take a swing at the digital side. So far, I love it!

Hi, my name is Kim, my profile name is an alias, a rearranging of my first and last names smiley I started scrapbooking sixteen years ago because my mom got a paper scrapbook kit. She never used it but I did and spent all my earnings on papers and stickers. In 2006, I started digitally scrapbooking because I worked nights on a deployment and happened to have Photoshop on my computer. I had always intended on going back to paper scrapbooking but our new home is much smaller and I don't have space to spread out. After a four year hiatus from scrapbooking, and two children later, I am back at it. I found this site probably in August and I love what I see. And I hope to learn new techniques and get new ideas and just talk to other scrapbookers. But I may be flakey in my attendance, as my two kids keep me pretty busy. I also am an avid reader, I was trying to get to 120 books this year, but that isn't happening, mostly because I took up digital scrapbooking smiley

Thanks everyone for stopping by to say hello! So great to have you all here!

So glad to be here. I love all your designs. I have been collecting them from you for years! The new site is great!

I am a Biloxi Housewife, we are women with Grace & Charm! Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! smiley

RE: Lori white... super cute picture!

I´d like to send a very warm welcome to all the newcomers smiley

Hi, my name is Sarah, and I'm very new to digi-scrapping (I just started about 2 weeks ago!) I'm married to my best friend Mike and we have 7 kids altogether....5 live at home and 2 are grown up and on their own. Of the kids that live at home, 3 are girls (15,12,7) and 2 are boys (10, 3) I am a full-time Mom and I love my job!!
I've been scrapping since my 10 year old was born but lately haven't had much time (see above list of children, lol!) I was missing scrapping the 'traditional' way so I thought I would give digi-scrapping a try, and I love it! I love the convenience of it, the endless supply of materials, the great inspiration especially here at pixelscrapper, and the ability to stop and start as much as I need to without having to worry about the kids getting into my stuff.
Well that's my intro and I look forward to 'hanging out' and getting to know more people here!

Oh and I'm really sorry about my profile pic...I've tried to upload a new one and it doesn't seem to want to let me smiley

Hello, I'm Cherry and I'm from Indonesia. I came across pixelscrapper several months ago and I love it. I'm still quite new to digital scrapbooking but so far I've managed to makes several things with it.

Thanks for stopping by everyone! Great to have you here.

Hi ya'll... my name is Demetria. I'm a Southern Gal from MS. I discovered digital scrapbooking in 2006 when I was out looking for a cute cd background design. I fell in love and never looked back. That was April of 2006... I didn't actually scrap anything until October when i won a number guessing contest on Nancy Comelab's blog and I promised to scrap the jewelry when I got it. I did using Microsoft Pictureit. Yeah that was something back then. You can find that layout here at DST. Since the first layout I have been on many highs and lows of scrapbooking experiencing great joys and loss of mojo. Right now I'm on the low end due to going back into the classroom which seems to have sapped all of my creative energy flow... It'll be back... I know it!!!!!! Anyway... I just wanted to leave you guys with a few of my fav layouts from this year.

Hi! My name is Carolyn...been a paper scrapper for several years and just getting started going digital. Love this website.
I'm mother of one daughter, and she is the mother of my one and only grandchild, a precious little boy nearly 7 years old!

I live in Fort Worth, Texas, where the West Begins! Been here all my life and wouldn't live anyplace else.

Thanks for a great website and all the neat things; can't wait to get started!

Hello from sunny Florida! LOL I'm Su and I am a total Photoshop devotee! I love digital art and scrapbooking. I'm retired with a disability, so, Photoshop is my way of keeping busy. I've always been into crafts and needlework. Digital isn't nearly as messy!

I have a blog where I post tutorials and freebies I've made. A friend and I create a digi-kit each month which we give away on our blogs. I love it!

Thank you!


@Demetria -- I love all those layouts! Can't wait to see more in the gallery!

Thanks for stopping by everyone!

@Demetria: Thanks for sharing the layouts! Look forward to seeing more!

Another fond hello from sunny Florida!

I am new to the community and am just learning the basics. I'm not much of a scrapbooker (yet!) but need the skills for a venture that started this year with a friend. We created a blog to help therapists know how to teach children who are unable to speak due to autism, cerebral palsy, and other disabilities. Kids and therapists both deserve materials that are creative and beautiful, which means I need to do some learning! Today, I'm off to visit the tutorials (in between cooking turkey and stuffing) so that I can figure out how to resize images in Photoshop.

Hope I am doing this correctly. Feel free to offer advise if I make a mis-step here on the forums. Looking forward to learning and getting to know you!

Hello everyone. I found this place just looking around. It looks like a fun place to be.

Thanks for stopping by! If you have a minute to read our Profile Expectations, we encourage everyone to use a real photo for their profile.
