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@Marisa Thank you for this open community, all the lovely assets and the chance to share layouts without having them to contain pixelscrapper items on it (right? I've been and double-checking the forums and rules for the past days). So far, I'm loving it here and yes, it does feel very comfortable posting layouts and reply's!

Hi, all! *waves* Marisa, we share a birth year AND an anniversary year! I have been scrapping traditionally for awhile, but only this past summer got into digi-scrapping, and I love it. I can't believe I didn't do this sooner, it makes perfect sense for me!! I probably don't need to go into why here; preachin' to the choir, am I right?

I live in The South -- not Deep South, but enough to think of sweet tea as a daily vitamin and to occasionally use the term "them Yanks." smiley I am currently in graduate school but am almost done. I'll have more time for scrapping then! Married, no kids yet, though I hope to be scrapping baby pictures soon. In the meantime, I'll settle for pages centered around our cat.

Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for stopping by! It's so great to see all you and learn a little about you.

@Melo: You can upload any layouts to the gallery, no need for them to be related to things you've downloaded here. I'll try and make the clear somewhere.

My name is Cipriana-but everyone calls me Cipi (like a sippy cup). I'm 22, I'm a working-at-home-mom to 17 month old twin boys, and I'm married to the Soldier of my dreams smiley
I currently live in Alabama, but as my father is Active Duty Military...we've been around the world!
I started paper scrappin in highschool, my junior year, and as of two days ago I've decided to make the transition to digital for the exact same reasons many others have-quanity, quality, cost, time management, and I feel like i have more to offer in creativity in the digital world than I do on paper.

I'm totally new, so if anyone would like to share some pointers, I'd be thrilled.
This is also my first time meeting other scrappers!

Hi, I'm Kristen! Live in Washington State but still call Utah home. I stumbled onto during your Bedouin Nights scavenger hunt and I think I might be hooked! Thank you for all the delicious goodies.

I've been a memory keeper my whole life. I did paper scrapbooking both personally and professionally for about 10 years until my 4th child was born and I lost my scrapbook space to his crib. After resisting it for a while I finally tried digital scrapping and I'm sold. Now I just wonder what on earth I will ever do with all of those paper supplies! Someday, when the kids are a little more grown up I would like to learn to design. For now I just try to keep caught up but we are often too busy making memories to get them documented!

Life is good!

Hi everyone.
I've been scrapbooking 19 years (good grief that makes me feel super old smiley I switched to digital scrapbooking about three years ago because my husband and I move around a lot and haven't found a place we like enough to set down roots. Digital scrapbooking is so much easier to store.
It's great learning about everyone.

Thanks for saying hi! It's great to have you here.

@Cipriana: How great to have a brand new digiscrapper! Good luck.

Good Day Everyone!
My name is Jody, and I reside in Chilliwack, BC - north of Seattle by 3 hours - with my DS The Rascal. I teach English and Social Studies at a local Middle School (grades 7-9 in our district) where I am known as The Raabster.

I'm forty-something now, but it's as though I've been waiting for the 21st Century all along because I LOVE the digital age. I love Cloud apps, YouTube, digital scrap-booking, reading on my Kindle, and almost everything by Google. I even built an app for our Middle School this September.

My DS was born when I was 38. He has completely changed my life. As I type this, he is nearly four and growing in independence. He's been nicknamed The Rascal for good reason as he inherited my father's mischief tendencies. My Facebook status updates are usually about something that he has said or done (but I try not to be too annoying!). His arrival was the catalyst to my journey into digital scrap-booking; I had started traditional scrap-booking a decade earlier, but I found it too expensive and too messy. I've invested in the CM software, but I create or download many of my digital supplies.

My current project/challenge is creating a new Facebook cover page each month, and I've created a few for other people as well. I'm also working on the Rascal's annual books, but I haven't had enough time to dedicate to these. I will be having surgery this summer, so that will give me PLENTY of time to catch up!

Thanks for a site like this - I look forward to learning from y'all and sharing what little I know.

Thanks for stopping by Jody. Looking forward to seeing your Facebook cover pages.

hello, I'm peggy and i live in the Philippines. I would love to have the time to do scrapbooking but at present I am more into mixed media and other crafts. i have a blog called peggy aplSEEDS ( because I like to think I am sowing seeds around the world as I make my blog - seeds of faith, or hope or maybe, creativity. I was delighted to find pixelscrappers which provides lots of lovely stuff that i hope to use in some of my designs for work. thank you, Marisa and Jordan for your generosity!

Thanks for saying hi Peggy! Welcome!

Oi!Prazer, meu nome é Joice Roberto, me dito designer de Kits Scrap Digital, comecei e ganhei essa paixão pela arte digital juntamente com o nascimento da minha filha a dois anos, a colecionar kits e montar páginas para compor as fotos da minha pequena, foi quando também me veio a curiosidade de criar eu mesma meus próprios elementos, e assim estou, aprendo muito a cada novo projeto e me encanto cada dia mais por esse universo digital, onde a imaginação literalmente ganha asas!

Hi, my name is Gay and I've been stalking Pixelscrapper ever since I found the site by accident! Thanks, Marisa, for all your cool downloads, btw! smiley I am 49 years young and live in Utah. I have a son, Dayne who is is almost 26 now. How time flies! He and his lovely fiance, Antoinette make up my family, along with 4 (!) dogs, 2 cats and a box turtle.

I started paper scrapping when my son was 16, to make his paternal grandma a scrapbook of Dayne's growing up years. My ex husband's family live in Colombia and his grandma didn't get to see him as much as we would have liked. While searching for cute things to print for the paper scrapbook, I discovered a few sites that had digital elements. I was fascinated and immediately hooked on digital scrapbooking. I have used Paint Shop Pro forever but am finally making the switch to Photoshop. It has been a lot of fun to watch digital scrapbooking explode.

Hello everyone, My name is Patsy. I live in the United States.

Thanks for stopping by everyone!

Great gallery people, i just looked at it and I feel like I have to heart everything!! smiley
I wish I had more time to do this smiley

Hi all pixelscrappers, I am from Ottawa Ontario and I am the mother of two beautiful children. My daughter is 3 and my son is 18 months. They teach me something new everyday and they are an endless source of inspiration. Since my daughter was born in 2009 I have been taking a gazillion photo's but I have not been sure what to do with them once they make it onto my computer. So I started paper scrap booking. Then a couple of weeks ago I got the idea to scrap book a recipe book for family and friends for Christmas. I decided to try digitally so it would be less fragile and thick once completed (and I can print as many copies as I need)! Since then I have fallen in love with digital scrap booking and I have been working on a few layouts and of course my recipe book! I am hoping for find some great inspiration here and of course make use of some of the beautiful products!

Hi everyone! I'm Lillie and I'm 17 years old. I am currently sitting Advanced Higher Art and I find pixelscrapper so useful for inspiration. The textures and samples are so useful and I love trying to recreate them in real life on my sheets. I like photography and fashion design. I also do acting and musical theatre. My last show was "A Midsummer Nights Dream" at Edinburgh Fringe Festival and my next one is "Miss Saigon"
Look forward to exploring more of pixelscrapper!

Welcome to PixelScrapper Jeannie & Lillie! Thanks for stopping by and saying Hi and sharing a little about yourselves!

@Sabina: There are indeed so many lovely layouts being shared in the gallery, what a vast source of inspiration from our users we are fortunate to have here. smiley

Hi, my name is Melissa and I'm fairly new to scrapbooking. I live near Toronto, Canada. I'm 26 years old, and I guess a student. Honestly I'm actually lost, clueless, and undecided right now, but student sounds much better, haha.

Hi there,

my name is Isabell...better call me Isa smiley. I am from Germany, 25 years young, living and studying in Nürnberg at the moment. I've done Scrapbooking since a couple of years. I loved doing scrapbooks by hand as I was sitting at my computer the whole day and needed some change during the evenings. But I got so addicted to Photoshop and the possibilities I have for Digital Scrapbooking here that I just concentrate on that now.
I always loved taking pictures. I bought myself a better camera and suddenly I am even more in taking photos (check out my Picasa -
Other than that I love doing my blog which you find here:
I hope to get some inspiration from this page as well as recommendations. There are also really nice assets here. Love to see what you all are doing in your scrapbooks.

Greetz, Isa

Woo Hoo,

This is awesome, Marissa! I have been hanging around here for a while now and just adore your stuff. I live in Denver with my husband, 2 kids, and pup, Scout.

I blog over at, where I share DIY, crafty, and lots of upcycling projects. I have used lots of cute lil assets from here for my kids parties and to make fun blog buttons. I am not a huge digi scrapper, but one day I will find an extra sec and dive on in:)

Thanks so much for sharing all of your creativity,

Welcome! Thanks for saying hi!

Love seeing all the new faces - so exciting how the PixelScrapper community is growing in such a short time.

My name is Nazish. I am 29 years old, married. living with my husband and lots of plush toys. I have studies Pharmacy. Though I haven't not started practicing as a professional pharmacist yet.
Last year I found the website named Zazzle, which gives opportunity to create customized products, so I started designing products on it. And my customized products' passion brought me to via Google, and since then I love it!! smiley
Designing products is my hobby. And I always enjoy exploring
Thank you very much for the beautiful site! smiley

We're glad to have you here Naz! Thanks for joining us and introducing yourself. smiley

I didn't realise you were teachers in your spare time! I feel bad for only just now reading the introductions smiley

I am a teacher too, and at the moment I am teaching English in Mexico. I've been here nearly two years, but I'm feeling ready to go home to Australia. I am not a paper or digi scrapper- I have enough trouble getting the inspiration to upload my photos to Facebook these days. So why am I here? I want to make my teaching supplies and my blog a bit prettier. I love Marisa's papers, and I LOVE that she has such a simple and economical usage policy!

At the moment I am still just collecting and downloading, but I hope to start creating soon :p

@Kirra: Welcome and thanks for the introduction. We'd love to see your work in whatever way it is you do use the products when you get around to finishing it.

Hello everyone, I really loved paper crafting, but after I took a Photoshop course I fell in love with digital crafting. MY instructor was wonterful she not only showed us how to use Photoshop, she also showed us how we can create great picture pages.

Hi! I'm Danelle, and I've been digiscrapping for a little over a year. Like Marisa, I love that I can scrap on business trips with just my computer! I'd love to start designing more. I also have a wonderful 7 month old daughter that has quickly become my main scrapping subject.
