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Welcome everyone! So glad to have your here.

@Kirra: My parents actually work and teach in Mexico. They live in Monterrey.

I am relatively new to the digi scrapper world, but am loving it and catching on quickly!
I am Jodi, a stay at home mom, and one time (maybe again) teacher. I am grateful to be on the creative team for Mommyish and have learned so much in my short time there.
Happy to be here, thanks for having me.

@Jodi: It's great to have you! Welcome smiley

Hey there,

I'm Janet. I was born and raised in Minnesota. In 2002 I met my dear hubby and in 2009, after a long wait we had our first baby girl, Annelyse. Then this past February we were surprised with the early birth of our second daughter, Sophia who was born three months premature. When I'm not taking care of my crazy, sweet, spunky, girls, I run my photography business. I must have ran across early on when it was first started. I downloaded a few things but then got busy taking care of my first baby girl. Now I'm coming back and am very thankful for the resources that you provide. It's tough to find quality, free of charge, digital papers, layouts, and assets that can be used for commercial purposes. Thank you for providing this service!

smiley Janet Scott
Janet Scott Photography Website
Janet Scott Photography on Facebook

Small world! In what part of Minnesota were you born? I'm from the Willmar area (Kandiyohi) originally and am currently living in Woodbury. smiley

@Jodi: Welcome! I love the designs by Mommyish, what a great creative team to be on!

@Janet: My family is from MN. I lived in Minnetonka until I was 12, at which point my family moved overseas, and then went back to Bethel for college. My sister is the only one who is living there now.

Hi all! I am Ruth or Ruthie...both work. I am wife, Mom, Grandma & Grammy depending the child and homemaker, babysitter, historian, card creator and ....this is very important...finder of lost things...all in one...whew. I love smiley all the things I do and all the family I have! I keep busy making and creating, mending and fixing (whether it be clothing or little hearts & feelings) supplying, running around shopping and whatever else is needed.

I am really enjoying digital scrapbooking and would like to maybe design some things down the road. I have things to get done before I through that iron in the fire.

So anyway I am glad to be here. Glad I found this place and am looking forward to "meeting" some folks of like interest. I am they only person I know who scrapbooks in any form. So I am total loner smiley here...but not by choice. So look me up...I'll be around smiley

Oh my goodness, so many people!! I have a bad habit of lurking around forums, but I'm trying to break myself of it, and you all seem like a friendly bunch. smiley

I'm 28, was married last fall, and followed it up within a month with a move from western New York allll the way to coastal Florida! No little minions yet, but two cats and one husband keep me absurdly busy anyway. Aside from the Photoshop addiction, I do a lot of baking and cooking, crocheting, gardening, drawing and writing when I can find the time...and there's some massive consumption of music and podcasts and audiobooks through it all.

I don't actually scrapbook often - which has not in any way deterred me from amassing a giant box of scrapbook paper - but I've been an avid Photoshopper since high school, and opened an Etsy shop for invitation and other design work earlier this year. I'm slightly obsessed with making digital images "look old", and replicating those little physical touches like worn edges and mis-printed type, which digiscrap folks seem to be totally awesome at. smiley While I'm fairly new to this site, it's been an amazing resource for me already! (I can't tell y'all how long I struggled to find a decent ribbon-bow image for a project last year!!)

Hi, I found this site on a search through Yahoo. It looks like a neat place to be.

@Melissa, Ruthie, & Holly: Thanks for joining us! Glad to get to know you a little... smiley

Thanks for saying hi everyone!

@Holly: Jordan will be glad to know you found us through a search.

@Ruthie: I have never had any friends who scrapbook either. I basically had to build this site to find some smiley.

@Melissa: I recently found myself quite confused. I often try and give things a vintage feel, but lately I was editing a bunch of old photos trying to make them look new! This paradox has led me to think a little before I start editing. Maybe I should just leave it the way it is?....

Hi, my name is Sheila and I live in Florida. I have been a fan of for more than a year now and visit the site nearly every day. smiley

I used to be a paper scrapbooker until 2010 when I made the switch to digital. I create DigiScrap freebies using my own creations as well as CU elements and templates from others (like

@Marisa: Lol! I'll admit, I've had the same dilemma - I used to work at a print shop, and occasionally was given old photos that I needed to clean up and color-correct and all sorts of things, in order to have them print nicely on our large-format machine. But I found that my experience in making things look old and worn, had actually given me a better understanding of *what* was making things look old and I could basically do the reverse! smiley

But there's definitely a part of me that clings to the authenticity of an image - I obsessively keep copies of the unaltered image before I go messing with edits, whether it's an old photo with lovely age spots and things, or a new photo that's crisp and naturally-lit! (My poor harddrive..)

Sheila: Welcome to the new forums! Thanks for following PixelScrapper to the new site! Looking forward to getting to know you. smiley

Hello all! So excited to be a part of this community! I am getting some great ideas for designs. Thank you smiley

Hi I'm Kris and found's wonderful overlays about 2 or 3 months ago. I mostly use them for creating digital papers (commercial) but I have dipped my toes in the digital scrapbooking with My Memories Suite. It takes me longer to learn than prolly most people, so it kinda just sits on my desktop. But I love looking at everyone else's gorgeous layouts. Maybe I'll catch that wave and really dig into it.

SO... I've love to know how I can earn more points!! smiley

Beautiful calico!! I had one of those once. Now I've got 4 furbabies: 2 dogs, one bunny and one cat who's 16 1/2 yrs. old. He lost his sister on Mother's Day weekend, so we adopted a cute li'l pomeranian/chihuahua 3 weeks ago. smiley I'll have to find a kit to scrap our pets soon!

Welcome everyone!

@Kris: since everyone here seems to really love pets, I'm definitely planning to be making my own pet kit soon!

Hi - I have been scrapbooking for over 20 years, and digitally so for about 8? I am not the most techno-savvy gal, or the most creative - so I like a program that is easy to use, and digital kits that work together beautifully - and ideas that I can "borrow." Thanks for all the freebies - looking forward to incorporating them into my projects. NEW to this site - and just trying to figure it out smiley

Hi, I'm Kimberly, born and lived all my life in Idaho, except for a year in Utah. Married to my wonderful husband for 17 years, have 6 awesome kids, the last three are triplets. Surprise! I started scrapbooking back in the dark ages of rubber cement, yikes! I've only been digital scrapbooking for the last couple of years and I LOVE it!! I love being able to make 7 layouts, one for my book and each of my kids in maybe 30 min. I've been slacking on the scrapbooking for a while, my craftiness got diverted to other projects - anyone else have those ups and downs of creativity, but my scrapbook mojo has returned and I'm itching to get back to it.

Hello, I am Janice Jones. The pictutes is of my second little one.

I can't believe I haven't done this yet. I honestly thought that I had.

My name is Katie and I live in St Cloud Minnesota. I am a sales rep for Hallmark Cards and travel most of central Minnesota where we have card departments in many Walmart stores. I am an installation leader for Hallmark as well and oversee any remodels or revisions that take place in the departments. I also hire and train and supervise the merchandisers that work those stores

I am also a photographer and have had a business for about 6 years. It is what I truly love to do but it isn't consistent enough to live on and so I have kept my job with Hallmark as well which I have had for over 15 years.

I have 2 children, a daughter Kayla (24) and a son Taylor (21) and have been married for 26 years.

Scrapbooking is new to me but I design cards for my clients that may include Graduation announcements, wedding invitations, save the dates, etc and in my eyes digital scrapbooking is similar only in a 12x12 format.

So glad to meet you all!

I am Heather, I'm from the Midwest. I started scrap booking with my first DD (paper) and started digital when my 2nd DD was born. I just recently started learning graphic design(still a lot of work ahead of me but I'm getting there). I am also into nature photography. I do have clients here and there but I am no professional.
I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone and spending some time on this amazing site.

Hello, my name is Holly, and I live in Idaho. I love the concepts of scrapbooking and digital scrapbooking, but I am usually more motivated to collect supplies than to do scrapbooking projects, smiley. I'm trying to work on that problem, though. I've been enjoying for quite some time, now, and have enjoyed reading about Marisa and her husband's travels as well. Edited to add: My profile picture is a photo of me, back when I was in kindergarten or first grade.

Hello, I am new to digital scrapping and look forward to learning more

WOW!!!! Welcome to all you new members Shawna, Kimberly, Janice, Heather, Holly, & JodiLynn just in the last day!!! And you too Katie: It's good to learn more about you! TFS about yourselves ladies. Look forward to getting to know you all and seeing your layouts around here as you get going. smiley

Hi, I'm Luanne and I live in Maryland, USA. I'm fairly new to digital scrapbooking, and I was drawn to it because I can use my computer geekiness to tap into my creative side. This site has been a wonderful place to learn and a great resource for inspiration. I now have on my Google homepage feed so I can follow every day!

Marisa, thank you for all the beautiful assets and templates! Jordan, this website is so easy to navigate and it is an adventure every time I visit!

Welcome Luanne... We're glad to have you and that you like what we're doing around here! smiley

Hi! My name is Esther and I live in Switzerland. I've been married for 24 years now, happy to have a son (15) and a daughter(12). A lovely cat and some fish live with us also, ah... and two turtles. My husband and I are leading a youth camp. Since we are a non-profit organisation I really appreciate Marisa's generosity. I use the assets for our brochures and for crafts. Thank you soooo much, Marisa! You are a great inspiration!

Hi everyone! I'm Sarah... I'm a 34 year old art student (graphic design and photography double major) from Massachusetts, USA, who is taking a break from college because I can't afford it right now... I got my start in scrapbooking back in 2004 when I began interning in the art department of a company that creates traditional (paper) scrapbooking supplies. My job while I was there was to scan the paper layouts the various employees made using our products and then turn them into digital layouts so they could be featured in the catalog... I discovered digital scrapbooking on the web shortly there after while researching scrapbooking supply companies and I started downloading freebies but didn't really do anything with them... then I transfered from a community college to an art school and took a break from scrapbooking for about four years but then it called to me in 2010 so when I went on vacation I took tons of pictures with the intent to scrap them and I've been digi-scrapping ever since. I found this site through a blog train a year or so back and I'm excited to see all the new changes and features.
