
The temperature is rising and summer is in full swing here. I just got back from a quick trip to the beach and in a few weeks I'm looking forward to a trip to Tunisia, the country where my husband was born and lived the first part of his life. I'm excited! I'm sure everyone else is getting into that special summer swing of late evenings and relaxing time in the sun. Things will probably be a bit slow around here for the next month, but I am going to do my best to keep the daily freebies coming. So when you get too much sun, be sure to stop by! And after the break I'm hoping to have a great, big announcement!

At the beach in Aqaba

Stop by the Pixel Scrapper Facebook page for a new freebie. If you like the page, you'll get access to this blue alpha from the Prague kit. Just look for the hot pink button to download.


Congratulations to Sharon Dewi for winning the Prauge Kit (check your email for details). Thanks to all of you who left a note, I appreciate it. And don't forget the kit is available in the store. Stay tuned for a new Facebook Freebie.

Prague Kit

I'm getting ready to release a new kit on Monday. This time a stop in Prague! If you'd like to win the papers and elements for this kit, leave a comment on this post. I'll choose a winner June 2. Also, be sure you're signed up for all the great freebies that come in my newsletter (right sidebar).


If you're not a fan of Pixel Scrapper on Facebook, now's the time to stop by. I've just added a new freebie.


You can start with one of my photoshop patterns to make this tutorial easiest. 

1. Recolor the stripes using the easy recoloring method.
2. Go to Edit -> Define Palette and click "ok" in the box that pops up.

3. Open a new canvas in the size you want your paper to be.
4. Create a new layer.
5. Using the Fill Tool (G), select "Pattern" mode and choose your recently saved pattern from the small drop down menu.

6. Fill the new layer with the pattern.
7. Duplicate the layer and rotate it 90°.

8. With the new layer highlighted, change the blending mode to "Mutliply".


Happy Mother's Day to all you scrappin' moms! I hope you all have a great day and enjoy a few moments of feeling extra special. I made this layout for my mom to put on her computer. Celebrate with me by leaving a link to a layout of your mother or children, and I'll randomly choose one for a special gift. 

Happy Mother's Day

Scraplift from here.

EDIT: Contest Closed 2012/5/12

Hi all! It was a relaxing weekend here, and I hope you all enjoyed yours as well. This week I am excited to announce a new kit from Berlin! New links are up in the store if you want to purchase any of the parts for yourself, and help support this site at the same time! There are lots of exciting giveaways coming up, starting right here. If you'd like to win the papers and elements for this kit, leave a comment on this post and I'll pick a winner on Friday. 


Next week I'll start releasing a new kit, this time a trip to Berlin. Here's a look at what's coming. And be sure you're signed up for the newsletter (right sidebar) because next week I'll be putting a freebie mini kit together just for the subscribers. So stay tuned!


  1. First I found my image. You can use your own texture from objects around your home, or this site has a lot of nice textures. For this tutorial I'm using this one.
  2. Open the image in Photoshop. I cropped the image to be square and then changed the resolution so that it would be 3600x3600 pixels.
  3. Next duplicate the background image and change it to Black & White (Image -> Adjustments -> Black & White).screenshots01
  4. I like to fill the background with white so I'm not distracted by the image (Edit -> Fill, or Shift+F5).screenshots02
  5. The next steps are where you have to experiment with your texture to get the effect you'd like. Basically, create a new layer and fill it with the color you want the texture to have. Then try using different blending modes. For this one the top color layer is set to "Overlay" at 50% and the second color layer is set to "Multiply" at 60%.screenshots03
  6. Using different colors and different blends, you can significantly change the feeling of the texture.woods