digital scrapbooking inspiration

5 Simple Digital Scrapbooking Layouts for Beginners

By Marisa Lerin Thu, 04/22/2021 - 22:00

It's easy as a beginner digital scrapbooker, or even as an experienced one, to rely on quick pages and layout templates. But it you're ready to branch out on your own, I hope these five stunningly simple layouts will help get you on your way.

Doing a lot with a little is the key to all of these layouts. This first one by AMarie uses a couple paper strips in the background to add most of her interest. She's kept the background white to keep the focus on her photo and design elements.

Happy Four Years of the Good Life

By Marisa Lerin Thu, 04/15/2021 - 22:00

As I was looking around I realized that April marks the beginning of the Good Life bundles, and this April marks four years we've been working on this project!

New Today: Layout Templates Kit #70

By Marisa Lerin Sun, 04/11/2021 - 22:00

These layout templates look really fun! I usually make these kits a few months in advance, so it's always exciting to see them again when they pop back up. I'm looking forward to using these soon myself.

New Today: Layout Templates Kit #68

By Marisa Lerin Mon, 03/15/2021 - 02:10

I have a new double batch of digital scrapbooking layout templates for you today! I liked the first batch so much that I used it to make a second. This is a fun technique to try if you can't find the layout template you want, or just feel like giving it your own spin. I'll take the layers from the layout template, rotate them 90 degrees and then move everything around so it looks brand new. It takes a couple minutes, but you have a totally different look when you're finished. It's a handy thing to try as well if the template doesn't have the number of photos you want.
