It occurred to me lately that most of you who stop by this website have no frame of reference for the exotic pictures that are always showing up in my layouts. You may be thinking, "How is this girl always in a different place?" and perhaps, "How can I join her?"

2011.03.11 - Angkor Wat

From the beginning of our relationship, both my husband and I had a strong desire to travel. We had seen a lot, and traveled a lot as children, but somehow traveling rarely satisfies your curiosity, it only awakens it. And so we knew that we wanted to do a "world tour" with backpacks on our backs and only a rough plan in our heads. For two years we lived and worked as English teachers in Korea, saving our money and preparing our packs. And then the day arrived. We left the first and only home we had known in married life, got on a plane and didn't look back.
Now my only possessions are the clothes on my back and this computer. We live frugally day by day, staying with friends and strangers (, camping in our tent, and eating lots of bread. We rarely know where we will be in a day, let alone in a week. It can be tiring and exhausting to show up in yet another new town at the end of a long day of traveling, and look for yet another new place to stay, eat and prepare for tomorrow.
And yet, despite all that, the constant traveling is intoxicating. Everyday we see something new. Everyday something waits to surprise us with it's complete uniqueness from anything else I've seen. And the more places you visit, the more you realize what a miracle that is. While some things stay the same as we go, something will always stand out. And that's what keeps me going. What will I see tomorrow. I really have no idea, so I have to get up and go see.