New Feature: Already Downloaded Items Marked in Search

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New Feature: Already Downloaded Items Marked in Search

Hello everybody!

We are excited to announce that a much-requested feature has now been implemented. Items that you have already downloaded will be indicated as such on browse pages! smiley

As shown in the image below, items you have previously downloaded will be marked by a small pink check mark on browse pages, and those pages also have a note explaining the icon.

We are so excited to roll this feature out, and hope you all enjoy it. As always, if something doesn't seem to be working properly, let us know!

Very cool!

I don't see the new checkmark feature working on my searches just yet.

Thanks- Love it!

Very cool! Thank you!

wow! this is great!

Love all the helps you have here! ty

Thank you so much!! Will make things so much easier!!

Thank you! I love this!

This is great! Thank you! smiley

It is so awesome! Thanks a ton for that, saves a lot of time when searching for something! smiley

Yes! I saw that tonight. It's sooo cool. Thanks, Thani!

Woot! Thank you!

Thank you, that's a very helpful feature.

Thank you so much!

This is totally sweet!!! Thanks!

Awesome work on this Thani!

P.S. Looks like it's working on the browse pages, but not on the search page, currently?

This is awesome. Thanks!

This is so cool, I always forget what I have downloaded. I do find it funny that I keep picking the same things again and again. I have started looking to see if they have templates and check any template to see if I have it already.

This is brilliant! Super helpful, thank you so much! smiley

Very cool! Thank you! smiley

Thank you for adding this handy tool! smiley

This is terrific. Thank you!

Great new feature, but it doesn't seem to be working on mine as of yet.

Thank you!

Awesome! So handy thank you!

Really handy! Thank you!

Awesome! Thanks for making that happen!

Hey everybody! So it turns out I needed make a slight tweak. It was only showing up on browse pages but now it should be showing up on all search pages as well. smiley

Thanks for giving a heads up, and if it still seems to be missing from somewhere, let me know!

Saw the check marks soon as I logged in. Looks great and is very helpful. Thank you Thani!

Awesome! Thank you!
