Lost eight slm scraps

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Lost eight slm scraps

Hello Jordan,

since Friday evening 07/28/23 CET I am suddenly missing from 25 scraps the 8 last July 23 slm scraps that I had uploaded completely here in the complete thread complete thread

What happened?


I uploaded the missing previews again so that they can still be taken into account when counting points. But I would like an answer why pictures disappear, it wasn't the first time.

Sorry about that Doska. I'll let Jordan know.

Very sorry for the trouble, Doska. smiley

So far, we have not had reports of this happening to anyone else. If we get more reports about the problem, it will make it easiery to troubleshoot.

So if anyone else is experiencing something like this, please reply in this thread. Thank you!

Hi Bina,

this thread was my last problem with the same thing

smiley So sorry to see, Doska!

I had it happen a few times last week... things disappeared, I updated and it reverted again to the disappeared post. Finally they updated post stuck. Was weird indeed..... almost like the post kept rolling back about a week or two... but it was only on the layout completed summary post.

I too had some disappearing submissions to the challenges.
I had to reload a few of mine as well.
I also had a new incident come up today as I tapped on a link.
I posted the screen shot of it HERE.

So sorry to hear about these incidents. smiley We'll try to get this sorted out. To be clear, when people are saying that submissions in the forums disappear, do you mean that the images you post in the forums are replaced with broken image icons? Like happened with this post: https://i.imgur.com/DL1a2CE.png

Is that what everyone is talking about?

Or is something else also happening?

Hi Jordan... when I say disappeared I mean GONE... I had posted about 17 entries over a few weeks on my SLM list and when I checked on Friday it was only showing 2... everything was gone. I redid it and on Saturday it was again only showing the 2. Eventually late on Saturday it stayed updated.
I do still have one of the broken image thumnail on my post too... can't figure that one out but wasn't too concerned as clicking on it takes me to my layout.

Hello Jordan, thanks in advance for your help.

Mine was identical to Cathy's.
I didn't have any "broken thumbnails" on mine though.
Mine showed the amount I had posted,
example "8/14", it would show the numbers of them, but not the images.

Hi Jordan,

both times the photos and the indicative text were gone for me, so no broken picture icon to see.

Thanks all for the input, and so sorry again for the trouble! How frustrating to keep losing your edits like that. smiley

I have made some changes to our server configuration that I hope might resolve this issue. Please let me know if you continue to experience this problem.

Thanks again, Jordan! = )