Correction in the forum, but not in your own gallery

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Correction in the forum, but not in your own gallery

Hello Jordan,

We had this topic a long time ago, but surely it should be possible from an IT perspective to fix the error?

I only discovered an error in my scrap when uploading it. I deleted the scrap in the gallery, corrected the error and uploaded it again in my gallery, in the challenge forum and in the overall thread with a new file name. In the latter threads I saw the corrected scrap, but not in my gallery, despite reloading the page several times.

My screen:

Thank you for help.

If you replace an image in the gallery it can take a while for the image to update. The correct version has been uploaded, but you can't see it immediately. It's confusing!

Hi Marisa,

Right! But I think, your two competent gentlemen in IT can sort this out smiley smiley

Hi Doska...
Yes, I too have experienced a similar situation sometimes...but Marisa's does take quite sometime for the corrected version to show up, even if we refresh the page several times but still keep seeing the old version, the new one has been uploaded! ... and sometimes we can't still see it but trust me, the corrected version is there! smiley smiley

Thanks Chitra,

I just checked again, yes the corrected version is now in my gallery. We don't always have to understand computers smiley I just had a login problem in another forum. After a few attempts on the part of the operator, it suddenly worked again, without him knowing what the problem really was, that the login got stuck... and not just for me. But without reporting the problem, there is no way to investigate or resolve the problem; after all, it also costs money.

@Doska I agree with you, computers can be pesky and do things for unknown reasons. However, if your image doesn't appear updated, it is actually behaving as intended. This website (and many others) use what is known as a “site cache,” which stores images so that users do not have to re-download them each time they visit. This speeds up page loading, among other things. Once the cache is updated, each image will be re-downloaded if a change has occurred. So in this case it's not technically an error, just a very sticky "cache" so to speak. Because of this, your new upload didn't appear immediately.
And you're absolutely right, sometimes website owners have no idea about problems until they are reported. And I know exactly how grateful it is when people report something! smiley

@Doska Ich stimme dir zu, Computer können nervig sein und Dinge aus unbekannten Gründen tun. Wenn Ihr Bild jedoch nicht aktualisiert erscheint, verhält es sich tatsächlich wie beabsichtigt. Diese Website (und viele andere) verwenden einen sogenannten „Site-Cache“, der Bilder speichert, damit Benutzer sie nicht bei jedem Besuch erneut herunterladen müssen. Dies beschleunigt unter anderem das Laden der Seite. Sobald der Cache aktualisiert ist, wird jedes Bild erneut heruntergeladen, wenn eine Änderung aufgetreten ist. In diesem Fall handelt es sich also technisch gesehen nicht um einen Fehler, sondern sozusagen nur um einen sehr klebrigen „Cache“. Aus diesem Grund wurde Ihr neuer Upload nicht sofort angezeigt.
Und Sie haben völlig Recht, manchmal haben Websitebesitzer keine Ahnung von Problemen, bis sie gemeldet werden. Und ich weiß genau, wie dankbar es ist, wenn Leute etwas melden! smiley

Thank you Jessica,

for the IT technical clarification. I think you designers and blog/website owners also have a thing to say about it when suddenly tech. Disturbances occur. But I don't want to make a big fuss, the problem has been solved and next time I know now that the update will come later. My part is to check my scrap carefully before uploading to make sure nothing has slipped. smiley

Hi Doro, ich hab das auch schonmal. Dass ich das Bild austausche. Wie ich dann checke, ob es passiert ist? Ich mache Rechtsklick mit der Maus auf dem Bild und dann in Neuem tab öffnen, dann erscheint das neue Bild. Wenn du die Cookies löscht, kannst du es auch oft sehen. Es isr keine Störung technischer Art. Klappt das so wie ich vorschlage für dich? Probier’s mal aus. smiley

Danke Bina,

das o.g.Scrap in meiner Galerie ist mittlerweile auch korrigiert. Deinen Tip habe ich mir schriftl. fixiert, daß ich ihn anwenden kann, falls mir das wieder einmal passiert. smiley