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Hello again!

I have been scrapbooking since I was a freshman in high school (1986). I just did the basics with stickers and memorabilia from school events- no paper and embellishments 🤪. I was introduced to Creative Memories in 1996 and my world changed. I have dozens of scrapbooks and thousands of memories documented.

I live with my husband and our 2 year old Golden Retriever, Winston, who is completely spoiled and has the only child syndrome. Our children are all grown and live in their own. Still difficult for this mama to not have her girls home. I love the ruckus of kids and their hectic schedules, friends over and keeping me up with all their laughing - what can I say, I’m a mom! That is my calling in life and I wouldn’t want it any other way.

So grateful to be here to learn and grow in the digital scrapbooking world, where I have only dabbled.

Welcome Peggy! Glad you're giving digital scrapbooking a try. It has lots of great benefits.