Not new but finally saying hello

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Not new but finally saying hello

It's going to sound silly, but I always feel awkward about getting started in a forum. So I put it off. I joined PS I'm not sure when, but it's been awhile. I'd think about joining the blog train, but silly awkward feeling would trip me up again. So this time, trip or not, I'll keep own typing (does that word show my age? smiley ) and get this done. I've lurked long enough to know there are a great group of people here, so I know I shouldn't feel awkward or silly about posting. I've finally updated my profile.

I discovered digital scrapbooking in 2007 and jumped in with both feet within a year and soon started designing. I have making kits since them with a few breaks. I stopped selling about two years ago as I needed some time and space after my mother's passing and moving a couple of times. I hate moving and it doesn't get any easier as you get older. I just recently decided to reenter the sales arena and opened a store at Etsy for my digital scrapbooking kits while working to open another store at Etsy soon, selling purses and bags I design and make. I find that I am enjoying keeping busy, but I still have a lot to learn about business. But old dogs can still learn new tricks and I don't plan to stop learning until my mind or my body goes.

So now I'm off to check on the blog train. I may be too late for July, but there is always August, right?

Hi Linda! Glad you have finally stomped down the awkwardness and are saying a formal "HELLO". Good to have you and I know you will find lots of things to enjoy here. By the way, what's the name of your Etsy store - I'd love to check it out! Do join us for the August blog train, it's going to be fun with the Garden Party theme.

Thanks for introducing yourself Linda! I hope you´ll soon feel better among us. BTW, I´ve downloaded some of your freebies through the years, so it´s fun to see you around!

So glad to get to meet you Linda! Looking forward to getting to know you more. smiley
What was your designer name before when you use to sell? What is your Etsy store or blog. There are a couple post around the forum you can share that info with us in. I'll try to find them and come back and edit the links to you here. smiley

Here you go... You could probably put your blog and your Etsy page in this post.
And share your Pinterest page here if ya got one.
Also, don't forget on your profile page to list all your goodies so our newbies at a later date can just click on your profile and find out where you are around the web. smiley

eta: I just looked at your profile page and saw you were already ahead of me! LoL WTG!!!

Thank all of you for your welcome. Now to answer some of your questions. My designer name is Studio Linda Renee. It was only the third designer name I took. I started out as Tirza's Treasures. I still have some LOs and kit previews in at least one store forum with that name. Ugh. Not that the name Tirza is awful; it was my great-grandmother's name, but I wasn't happy with it and changed it to Tirza for Major Scrapola. Whyever I chose that name, I'll never know. So make that a double ugh! I finally decided just to use my real name. Sounded much better.

I just opened my store at Etsy last week, using my designer name. The link is in my profile (as Shawna found.) Last year I had decided I was out of the digital scrapbooking for good, and put many of my kits up as freebies. But minds change, don't them? Those of you who collected some of those freebies will find some of them in my store, but most of them will be changed. I'm going through them, eliminating what I don't like, adding new papers and elements, and updating in general. I'm also redoing old kits, I mean really old kits, from waaaayyyy back there. Ones that I didn't dare offer for freebies. Those who have been digiscrapping for years know that the industry has been evolving and improving and those early kits were downright awful! Jaggies on everything, every element offered in every color of the palette, fuzzy overlays, and badly extracted florals. If you've only been around for a couple of years, you don't know what you missed (and probably don't want to know, either, LOL). I guess I've just given everyone a mini history lesson. smiley

I am on pinterest, but have not posted any of my own kits. I guess I need to do that. I did post my blog in the link Shawna posted. Now to get back to grindstone. My blog and FB need a serious update, I need to ready more kits for the store, and fix dinner for my husband besides designing and making purses. I spend mornings sewing and afternoons on the computer.

Hi Linda! Nice to see you!

Totally understand the name progression thing! It's hard to settle on one to begin with let alone choose one that will evolve with you. It took me forever to come up with my first one.

Anyhoo! Lovely to meet you!

Hi Linda,

I am glad you have decided to step out of the shadows and say hello! It will be great to see you join the blogtrains, the more the merrier. And, judging from your Etsy store, you will come up with some beautiful designs. Hope to see you around lots more and for a long time to come.

Hi, Linda! Welcome to the forum - the more, the merrier!

Sorry, Melo, I only just read your post and discovered I said the same thing as you. (I wasn't copying, honest!)