Hi there :)

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Hi there :)

I'm sort of new to the digital side of scrapbooking. I am a full time student and mom of three active boys. Every summer I get closer to figuring it all out though. I think I have only managed to complete 1 layout I actually like in the last few years, lol. This summer I am working on a family ABC book for my 4 year old so I am looking for a font or letter blocks that I can use for the entire book. Nothing like starting small, lol. I still have all of my regular scrapbooking stuff, but it has been packed away since he was born and I had to give up my scrapbooking room. I just can't convince myself to let it all go even though it takes up most of the attic and a quarter of the crawl space, lol.

I can't wait to get going on this and learn how to do a quick page when I am short on time. What programs are the favorites? I have Photoshop CC, but am limited to my laptop since I gave up on a desktop when I started school. It has made it a little challenging for being able to see things clearly unless I steal my hubby's workstation in his office with the large monitors smiley.

Hi Brandy! Welcome. Ah, time. The killer of all creative intention becoming reality! I'm a Photoshop girl, so nothing different there, although I do use Illustrator a lot along with InDesign when I'm doing off the screen stuff.

I totally understand the packed away scrapbooking stuff! When we were looking for a new house, I had to take into a account that I needed my own room (or creative palace, as I like to call it!).

Templates might me the easiest way to start knocking off some layouts quickly?

Great to have you here!

Thanks Elouise smiley While taking my photography class I was able to get the Adobe Creative Cloud (I think that's what the CC stands for, lol) but I have mainly only used Photoshop and played a few times on Illustrator (maybe I need some tips from my high schooler!!) but, what is InDesign?

Welcome Brandy!!! So glad to have you as part of our community at PS.com