Hi from the hills of WV

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Hi from the hills of WV

Hello everyone Happy New Year,

I am Bev from the state of West Viginia first I want say thank you Marisa and Jordan and Team for accepting me at the forum and as a member I found you through Google doing a search on scrap booking learning

I am not new to graphics and using a graphic design program been using paint shop pro around 12- 13 years and been tagging and building a few thing with PSP for my fan website and blog and doing designs and photo repair for my fan site. I used to run a beginners site teaching beginner paint shop pro classes but had to give it up due to health and real life I just have a site now for personal use and a rock band fan blog

But I have photoshop too had that 2-4 years just sitting collecting dust been wanting to learn it and scrapbook for some time I want to learn how to make kits for myself and my PSP friends so I am a beginner for scrap booking and photo shop so I might be asking allot of questions how to do something so be patient with please I am just getting back in the graphics after being away from it close to two years so I am rusty

I am single now after a divorce of a marriage of 21 years I use to live in North Carolina but moved back to West Virginia to be near family where I was raised since birth have no children due to being disabled except for a 4 legged black daschund named "Jovi " but I call him Joey all the time I talk and take pictures of him do not live a exciting life

I will try to be here as much I can and take part and learn but due to my disability and health I am not on the computer like I use to be I have to take breaks now I was banned from the computer from my doctor for close to two years only allowed on pc 10- -20 minutes at a time not fooling with till I was better I still need to take breaks sometimes but not like before so if I go MiA I hope I do not kicked off for not taking part in the forum if I do i understand hope I can rejoin later thank for reading this Happy New Year to everyone wishing you the best in the new year and I hope to get to know you all better as scrap booking friends

Hi Bev, I am from WV also! we live pretty close to beckley, and we used to live in nc too (in Kannapolis for 8 years) small world! I look forward to seeing your layouts

Jovi, as in Bon Jovi? That's so cute! Is that what your fan site is for, too? I've always loved Bon Jovi. I saw them in concert several times back in the 80s. I also have dogs--two huskies--and live a fairly boring life. But, I had tons of fun when I was younger, traveling all over the U.S. and Canada, so I'm actually pretty content with just taking it easy nowadays.

Bev: We're so glad to have you here in whatever capacity works for you. That's why we're here. Some people need tons of help, some just a little, some friendship, some freebies, some a place to share, and some just to learn.
Please let us know in the forums if you need help with finding anything. smiley
Welcome Aboard!!!

Thank You Vickie , Vidia & Shawna for the warm welcome it is nice to chat with you all sorry I have not posted till now got side track it has snowed and I had a few days to play on PS and PSP both ..

Vicki WOW another from West Virginia it is a small world I have been to Beckley a few times I live between Charleston and Parkersburg if you blink you miss us we do have one stop light LOL I used to live in Chapel Hill & Durham NC area for 19 years ..

Shawna thank you for being so kind I sure will let you all know if I need help I have hit up the tutorial section already I have learn 2 things already Marisa does some nice tutorials by video have not gotten to the download section yet having fun playing .. matter fact I might go over to the help area before leaving the forum I do have a quick question

Vidia Huskies .. they are beautiful dogs .. Yes you are correct about Bon Jovi .. I have been a fan since I saw them on Dick Clark's American Bandstand 31-32 years ago it they are still great live.. I do not go see them live as much I did when I was younger and married but I still try to do 1-2 shows per tour .. but when I was married I traveled more to see them live ex hubby loved seeing them live too .. .. my hubby or friends would go and we had a ball I do wish I could thank the band for giving me some wonderful friends that I have met through the years some has turned into my best friends I ever had .. one summer I traveled about the whole summer to see them on tour and the different spots in the United States .. had so much fun that summer .. it does seem like when you are younger you do more crazy things ..

you all take care .. and stay warm it is cold and rainy here today

Yep, I love my dogs. The female (the white one in some of my layouts) stops traffic ... literally. LOL It's very common when we're out walking that cars driving by will stop and the people get out to pet her. If memory serves correctly, the first time I heard of Bon Jovi was their video for Runaway on MTV. Possibly their first concert for me was when they toured with Ozzy and Motley Crue--that would've been their first national tour with big name bands. I might've gotten Ozzy wrong, but I could swear Motley Crue was the middle band. I don't care how old Jon gets, he's still good-looking. smiley

Welcome, Bev .... Oh, you poor girl, being put on such a strict computer diet!!! smiley I feel for you because while I am at my mom's apartment (taking care of her 24-7) I did not have access to a computer and I suffered from severe withdrawals symptoms! smiley I am glad that now you can stay on the computer for longer periods. Looking forward to seeing you around this forum. smiley

Bless you hear Gaalmark thank you very much , yes it was hard specially because I was on it so much and loving every moment now I can get on for 1-2 hours with a neck brace and then have to break and come back I use to turn pc off & on but with me breaking it is better just leaving computer going so I can pick up where I left off .. family teases me saying I live at Facebook but it is usually me having my page up and leaving up and not on the pc at all

Hi Vidia oh wow you have went back in the Timeline LOL !

I do know Runaway was their hit in 1984 -1985
they did The Monsters of Rock in 1985 it was The Scorpions & Kiss for Runaway

and in 1989 - they did do Moscow Music Peace Festival with Ozzy & Motley Cru
yes I agree the band is like wine aging very well ..my favorite band member is Tico the drummer I will will be glad to send you a link to my fan blog if you want it not sure if I can post here on the boards or if there is a private messenger

I just Googled it. I was way off! Wow, I didn't think I had that bad of a memory. lol They opened up for Ratt in New Haven, CT.