Hi from Iowa

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Hi from Iowa

Hi! I think I posted all this yesterday...but can't find it. I am excited to be a part of this group. I was a very avid Digi scrapper about 8 years ago and then life just sort of got in the way and I stopped. but I am trying hard to get back into it. But my new computer has PE 14! Hellllo...I can not figure out the layer thing at all on it. I am going to have to start all over learning everything smiley I did hundreds of layouts then and can't believe that I don't remember..maybe an age thing? My picture here is the reason I want to start again. two beautiful grand babies. I am having problems finding any help online for PS14 and layouts. anyone know of anything please share!!

Hi Peggy, thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself! We're glad you're here at DigitalScrapbook.com!

Peggy, many of the Photoshop tutorials will work for Photoshop Elements. Layers should appear in the order they're stacked on your layout, lowest ones at the bottom of the list. Grab some styles to gain access to most of the layer style options, since PSE hides them by default and you can't access them otherwise. Clipping papers to things is generally done by alt-clicking on the line between the paper and the element you want to add the paper to, then selecting a blending mode that works for that element. Don't forget you can use a lower opacity to make something look more natural or blend a mask onto a background paper. I know there's tons more to remember, but that should get you the quick-start to get you back making layouts in no time. And remember that Ctrl-Z (undo) is your friend; you can't really screw something up beyond repair unless you save over an existing file, so experiment away!

Welcome Peggy! We were having some site instability, but your first post is back now and looks like it also has a helpful response, so I'll leave it up for you to take a look at.

I think I am getting it back..sort of!!! thanks for your advise. I did lo this weekend and of course I am not happy with it. my layouts I used to do were much better and this one just looks so blah..but you have to start somewhere I guess. I am watching every single tutorial that isn't too advanced on u tube which is helping. I am doing pretty simple..but slowly it is coming back!

Welcome Peggy! smiley