Hello from Belgium!

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Hello from Belgium!

Hello everybody!

long time free downloader, first time poster!

I'm Celine, I'm a professional graphic designer and photographer from Belgium. I've been into digital scrapbooking since my babyboy was born in november 2013.
Now that I've had enough experience scrapbooking for my personal stuff, I've started designing my own kits to make scrapbooks for my customers. I was wondering if there is any place here where I could post a kit for you guys to download and give me some critique, hints and tips on how to advance...
The main idea is to use my own kits in albums I design for my customers, but I would also like to sell the kits to other scrappers in the future... If they're good enough, that is...

Celine: Welcome to PS... so glad you finally introduced yourself. You can always create a thread in our Freebies section (following all the rules at the top) in the sticky posts. I don't run that section...but that is where I go to find kits that designer type people are sharing with our members. smiley
Best Wishes! and I look forward to seeing what you offer up. smiley

Welcome Celine!

We also have a lot going on in our designer challenge forum. There are lots of opportunities for challenges, as well as to meet people to work with and get feedback. Looking forward to seeing your creations!

thank you everybody! I'll make sure to check out the other parts of the forum (when the tiny terror is down for his nap smiley ).

Welcome to the site!

Where can I find your stuff? (en heb je ook Nederlandstalige wordart of zo?)

groetjes, Anneleen