Another newbie descends!

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Another newbie descends!

Hello! I've been lurking around the site for a few days, emailed Marisa, and she encouraged me to join. I've been making graphics for years, having had 3-4 web sites over those years, mainly making websets. Then blogs came along, and I just couldn't get into making those. Although I've never scrapped anything of my own, I love looking at kits, quick pages, tags, etc. and after a couple of years have finally decided to learn how to create them. The sizes are much larger than I'm used to working with!

I have a Windows 7 here at work with Paint Shop Pro 8, which is what I'm used to working with. At home, I have a Mac and just began learning Pixelmator since PSP has nothing for Macs.

Looking forward to meeting everyone!


Welcome Lisa! Glad to see you've joined us!

Thanks, Marisa! Thanks for the goodies in the welcome email, loved 'em!

So glad to have you here as part of our home on the web Lisa! I've noticed you around but wanted to come over and officially say howdy! smiley
let us know what we can do to help improve your digital learning experience. There are several of us eager to help you learn and grow.

Thank you, Shawna! I have so many questions and although I've been scouring the forums, I know I need to begin asking. smiley

Welcome Lisa! I started out as a tagger so I know what you mean about the giant size, lol. I also use PSP. You'll find this is a really friendly community, and super-creative. I've learned a lot since joining, so jump right in!

Hi Kim, nice to meet you! I'm anxious to do something, just don't have the foggiest idea where to begin! I'm sort of redoing some of the elements I did a while back to get used to those gargantuan sizes! lol

Thanks for the welcome!