Cloud storage for photos

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Cloud storage for photos

Hi all
I couldn't decide if this should be in the software chat or here, so hoping for the best.

I am beyond frustrated with the current suite of tools I use for organizing and editing photos and storing/sharing photos. Key functionality I'm looking for:

- privacy -there is minimal information about selling my data to third parties or data mining my photos- my current service does this at a premium and I'm fine paying some premium but the cost is getting unaffordable for me so I'm curious if there are others who do the same. The terms of reference is clear that pictures belong to me- not the company. they can't use them in advertising without my permission, or sell them. when I die they don't delete my account because its Mine.

it isn't spammy and have a bunch of ads,

- longevity - there is nothing in the agreement that they can delete my pictures, it is backed up in multiple locations. My current service is 3, in 2 different countries. and at my current provider I can actually identify who owns my pictures when I die (providing email address) - which is cool. but not neccesary. As long as its clear in the agreement that the information doesn't die with me- like Apple, etc.

Ideally - shareability- seems counter intuitive to the first one- but I want to be able to share pictures with people I want to-easily. I scan all the pics for our extended family's heritage and want them to be able to access those.

Thanks for any advice you have. And I'm sure people will ask but my storage is currently with which has been an amazing experience up until about 2 years ago when I upgraded one of my softwres, and like everything else their storage costs went through the roof making it unaffordable.

I use Google Photos to back up my photos.