Freebies CU/PU: Lil Monkeyshine Designs (Jennifer Morgan)

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Freebies CU/PU: Lil Monkeyshine Designs (Jennifer Morgan)

Decided to give a Designer's Challenge a try,

Love it, thanks!

This looks really cool! Thanks for sharing smiley

Very nice, thank you!

Thank you for this lovely little kit. I particulararly like the button heart frame.

eek! This is the cutest! Purple red and yellow is one of my favorite color combos!

Thanks everyone for the compliments and you are very welcome for the kit, I'm glad you like it. smiley

Little late getting this out due to life getting in the way but here's another shot at a designer's challenge.

Looks very nice. thank you

Very cute kit, thank you very much!


smiley Thank you very much.

Another designer's challenge mini kit

smiley smiley

So Beautiful, thank you Jennifer!

Cute kits! Thanks!