What Camera Would You Suggest?

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What Camera Would You Suggest?

Hello Hello Scrappers!

I would love to buy a new camera, but haven't a clue in which to get.
I hardly know a thing about them, except to point and click.
I would use it for isolating images that I can use in my scrapbooking.
Nothing fancy is needed ( I don't think ), just as long as the images look great.
Thanks in advance, for any suggestions you may share!

Hi Jenifer. What are you using at the moment? What do you want to improve?

Hi Bina!

I am using .. (Insert Drumroll)..
Behind the blushing...
My phone! o.O

I would like to take great quality pictures,
that I can make super isolated images with.
I can remove backgrounds quite well now &
could benefit by having access to my own library.

It is not so much a matter of the camera as of the lens. Have you tried a lightbox and a clip on lens for your phone? Center the object in the light box so distortion isn't an issue.

OOoo! I love the "Lightbox"!
I am going to order that, as it seems to be exactly what I need.
It would save a LOT of money, not needing to buy an actual camera too.
Thank you SO much Bina! β₯

smiley That's fab, Jenifer. Most phone cameras are pretty decent.

Jenifer, I'm preparing for a trip and asked the same question on several photo boards I'm on. The answer was almost always the same: Your phone is probably all you need nowadays unless you are going to print *Large.* And since I haven't made a wall canvas in several years I decided to save some cash and just use my phone.

Also, choose a clip-on lens that is highly rated, and be sure to read the 1* reviews as well. I've bought lenses from 3 different companies and didn't get the images I was thinking I would. Moment supposedly makes good lenses. I'll be checking those out next. smiley

Jenifer, thank you for asking this question!
Sharin, my daughter is hip and cool and suggested Moment, too. Bummer because I already have a case for my camera and I wear it x-body. Meaning I can’t do that with a Moment lens. I really want a clip on more, but have friends with your same experience.
Personally I wonder if a *tripod* and a basic lens with the light box would work. In other words, how much is me moving just a bit when I press the shutter?

Decisions, decisions!

Suzy, I took photography classes at the university eons ago. We were always encouraged to "zoom with your feet" -- meaning, don't use a lens to do what we can do ourselves.

Yes, try a tripod, for sure. Accessory lighting might help too. I don't think you need an expensive lens. I'd suggest you take some images with your phone's camera and zoom to 100% to check the quality. If you have a more recent model you should get some good images (upwards of 6 mp). Stabilization with a tripod will take care of any camera shake.

See if you're happy with the images you get and if you think they'll work on your pages. My phone works very well for me; I rarely reach for my Nikon anymore.

Zoom with your feet - good advice! smiley

Yes, Suzy, very old advice too. It's what most of us had to do because we had fixed prime lenses. smiley