FLASH Challenge (48 hours) - School Time

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FLASH Challenge (48 hours) - School Time

September means back to school for a lot of people for this FLASH Challenge create a layout using one of ·YOUR· (not your kids, grandkids, nieces or nephews - a photo of you) school pictures. Don't have any school pictures? Then create a layout featuring a school you attended or attend.

Here are some great examples from our gallery:

The Details

  1. Challenge ends 48 hours after the original posting
  2. See updated rules here.
  3. You must tag your layouts with these THREE tags: sept 2015 layout challenge, flash, flash sept school 2015 challenge
  4. See entered layouts here.
  5. Link your layout here in the forum to your gallery. Doing this makes it much easier for others to find your layout and smiley or comment on it. If you don't know how to do this there is a great tutorial here

    Not sure when the challenge ends? It is quite simple to figure out. Above my photo on the 1st post it says how many days or hours ago the post was made - if you hover over it with your mouse it will give you the exact time and date (this works on all the replies also). Then you would just add 48 hours smiley Here is a screenshot:

Great pages ladies! I am scanning some of mine in right now so I can participate also.

Oops, just re-read the requirements and see it needs to be one of my own school photos so I have deleted my scrap

haha yeah - that is the twist on this one for sure, Dawn. I just know for me (and probably for others) I am great at documenting the lives of others but often neglect to document things from my own life.

Here's my layout. I had to hunt around for a picture and ended up getting my Mother to send one through to me!

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