Summer 2023 Creation Call DC

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Summer 2023 Creation Call DC

Click the header to download my two seamless patterns.

Here are some easy tips for beginners.

Here are some useful links for you.

Here is my pattern in R,W, & B.

Both are 3600 BGs, but the one with the large roses is also a seamless tile.

small roses 3600 x 3600

And I would like to see some streamers in R W & B - the kind you might see on bicycle handlebars for the parade.

smiley Welcome, @Suzy West! How wonderful of you to join us here with such great patterns!!! I loooove the colors and the patterns, just fabulous. Many thanks for joining in and sharing, Suzy.

Thank you, Bina, very nice of you to say!

Here is my take on the streamers for bicycle handles. I still need a lot of practice, but here is my first own attempt.

Here is a tassel that I recolored. It is one of Marisa Lerin's tassel templates.

My next call is a cluster using blue red & white.

Gail! I am so surprised! Those are both wonderful! The first one is exactly, and I mean EXACTLY what I was hoping for!

Thanks Suzy, It took me awhile to try and create it. I will load it into the commons tomorrow.

Welcome, Gail! How awsome, That was a rather specific prompt!!! Fabulous job. smiley

Thanks Bina, it really made me think out of the box.

I found this cluster template #215594 and used Marisa's Americana papers and one paper #159358 from Marisa's Treasured bundle. I used Elif's paper texture style and Elif's halftone style.

Next up are simple patterned papers for Rachel's new bundle. Here. You can find templates for that in the store or play with your halftone filter in photoshop. Filter, Sketch, Halftone Pattern. Something along these lines

I used Elif's workday templates and Rachel's solids.