Open challenges reminder and Pass The Kit SIGN UP!

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Open challenges reminder and Pass The Kit SIGN UP!

Hi everyone we have a lot of open challenges waiting for you to join. So this week I will skip a challenge but I want to ask if you would like to participate in another round of Pass The kit challenge. For those who are not familiar with the challenge here is all the info:

If you're interested in joining us, please leave a comment below and let me know your designing abilities (beginner, intermediate, advanced). I'm hoping to group people accordingly so you're well matched within your group. Sign up ends March 18th and the challenge will start on March 22nd.

The Rules

Each group will get an assigned color palette
Each group will proceed through their list, each person making one thing, adding it to their folder and then sending EVERYTHING on to the next person. The best way to make it efficient is to create dropbox folder so everyone has access and can add their element/paper when it is done.
We're going to go for a timed version, so it's as much as you can get done in two weeks. (Starting March 22nd, finish April 5th)
When you get an email that it's your turn, send a reply back to the person so she knows you've received it. If you haven't heard a response in a reasonable time, send it on to the next person.

This is an exercise to help you shake things up a bit, so keep things flexible and see what happens!

I'll have the groups posted on March 20th here in the forum.

Hey Ania, you put me in the advanced group last year, I believe. It was a LOT of fun, so I'm going to jump at the chance to sign up for this year's! smiley

I haven't participated before, so I think that I would like to give it a try. Feel free to put me in any group you need people in.
Sorry I haven't been active the past few weeks in the "Designer Forum".......Life has a way of getting in the way!

ME! Advanced, please! smiley

This sounds fun! I'd like to try smiley

yay, count me in! Don't know when you think if your advanced or intermediate. I think advanced

hi count me in intermediate group pls and thank u

A similar project at a site in the past was great. I am in! Advanced (7 years design)

I would like to participate. I do not know what my level would be.

I'd love to try it out! I'm a beginner for sure!!

@Marcela, I'd definitely say you should be in advanced--your kits are always beautiful!

@Ania: I'm going to guess you mean to post groups on MARCH 20th, since it would make no sense to assign groups after we finish designing. smiley

Holly, thank you for your compliment to my work, but I do not know if I deserve it.

I have so been waiting for another chance to do this! I am a beginner designer...

Would love to join in please...I have a few years of designing under my belt but have no idea what to judge my work against so please put me in whatever group you feel appropriate! smiley

I'd like to try this, Ania. You'd better put me in beginner, because I don't think I have enough experience for intermediate yet. This should be interesting.

I should have time to try this out, sounds fun and interesting. Advanced please.

Hello! Last year I joined and I would like to join in the advanced group, please!

א. למי זה מיועד - למנויים או לכולם?
ב. קשה לי להחליט לאיזה קבוצה במיוחד שאף פעם לא השתתפי באתגרים

@Apple Sugar - anyone can sign up for this challenge. If you don't know what level you should be at, perhaps the beginning level would work for you the first time? Ania would be able to place you in the group that you would be happiest in, I'm sure!

Yay! I'm so excited to see you all join in.

Holly, Yes I meant March 20th. I'm just terrible with months and dates smiley

Marcela,I honestly didn't see your kits yet but if Holy says you are advanced that this is the group you should go for.

Anne, if you have a few years of designing under your belt I would say go for the advanced level.

Apple Sugar, yes this is for anyone. If you have a little designing experience I would say go for the beginner group.

I would love to try it. smiley

put me in for beginner please

I'll give it a try!

Hello, Ania.
I've made one of your challenges, but it's been a long time.
It was about professions. I do not know exactly when it was.

I always participated in Blog Train but stayed 1 year without attending any and came back last month

I would like to participate where there is a possibility to work !!!

I would like to try this too smiley Beginner would be best for me.

I would love to try this. I am very much a beginner, I don't even know how to zip a file! I promise I will learn what I need to know before it begins.

@ Susan, and there are plenty of members here that will answer your questions or offer additional help - speak up if you have any questions. We love to see new people join in to start their own "Designer Journey". Every one of us is/was a beginner at one time or another. Welcome!

Just to clarify, I would like to join and place me in beginner section. smiley

Tammy and Annette let me know what level group would you like to be?

Marcela oh yes, I remember your kit. You are welcome to join us for this fun adventure. Just let me know what level you think you are. I would say at least intermediate since you made kits in the past. But it is up to you. if you feel like advanced level I would encourage you to go for it.

Ania, put me in beginner, as this will be my very first time smiley
