Snapshot: January 2015

The year started with a bang. And what I really mean by that is actually the opposite of a bang, and more of a giant quiet. Which after a couple months of busy, the two seemed more or less the same...


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We were out at the coast with Jordan's family for Christmas, and then everyone left and we didn't. We spent January out here last year as well, and it was definitely a highlight for both of us. So we were quite determined to do it again.

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The rhythms of the days out here are so restful. Jordan and I are by no means busy people in regular life. But even for us, our days in town can easily fill up with friends and projects and work. Out here there's just the beach.


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Of course it's not a total retreat, we get lots of work done out here, but the minimizing of everything else makes life so simple. We work. Then we walk on the beach. Then we read. Then we go to sleep. Repeat. Clean and simple living at its finest. I wouldn't say I'm exactly ready to leave, I'd stay out here forever, but I am feeling very refreshed and energized and ready to take on some new projects in February.


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The peace and quiet did a few strange things to me. One of my goals for the year was to get into some habit of daily journaling, which I've tried on and off many times, and it's never stuck. But suddenly out here it was both easy and natural. I journaled every day this month without breaking a sweat. We'll see how it goes when we get back to regular life, and if I'm still feeling successful, maybe I'll have a few tips to offer.


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I've also started reading poetry, which is certainly something I've not done before. We'll see how long that lasts...

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Also, Jordan loves playing board games, and I've always been a bit lukewarm about it. I've had my favorites, but even towards those I felt like there were things I'd rather be doing. However, all of a sudden I'm a bit obsessed with playing games, and spend my evenings trying to convince Jordan into playing something with me! It's a really weird change, and I'm not sure what brought it on. We did get a bunch of new games for Christmas, so maybe I was just waiting for those games?



I gave up watching TV and movies while we were out here. For no real reason other than the TV out here is really small and I have certain standards, you know. But it has added to the luxurious quiet of being out here and I did read a lot of books. But I'm for sure looking forward to catching up when we get back home.

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The best investment we made this month was a Thermos. I've spent a good amount of time complaining about never being able to get a good cup of tea when I wanted one. It was only just this month it occurred to me that I could just bring the tea with me. Problem solved. Life changed. Now we have tea everywhere we go.

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I've got a lot of projects I want to do, or at least start, in February. I think it will be a big cleaning and organizing month. My capsule wardrobe has got me inspired to capsulize everything else in my life. We'll see how that turns out. Also, I'm excited to begin my digital project life, and also before I had my digital realization, I had already determined to try a real paper version with one of my old scrapbooks. I'm sure I'll share more on that once I get going.

It was a really great month. I feel really sorted and ready to go. Ready for February!

How was your month?


Recent Comments

Helen Darkfield
Helen Darkfield Wed, 01/27/2016 - 19:05

the first photo has a wonderful mood; i love the coast!

Marisa Lerin
Marisa Lerin Fri, 02/13/2015 - 09:25

@Sandra: Are you in Oregon? Or are you visiting a different coast?

Sandra Jensen
Sandra Jensen Wed, 02/11/2015 - 09:32

Wow! Your photos are amazing! My whole family loves the coast and we try to go there every year but we missed last year so we are having Ocean withdrawals! It is always so peaceful. My hubby and I are thinking of going in April and it will be just us so seeing your post is getting me excited for our own trip!

Marisa Lerin
Marisa Lerin Mon, 02/09/2015 - 09:02

@Sunny: Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Pamela Richardson
Pamela Richardson Sun, 02/08/2015 - 13:58

Hi! To Sunny Faith Rush - I am SO very sorry to hear about your breast cancer! What a trauma you have suffered, with a double mastectomy, and with more difficulty to follow with chemotherapy! My thoughts and prayers are with you! Kindest regards, Pamela Richardson

Pamela Richardson
Pamela Richardson Sun, 02/08/2015 - 13:56

Marisa, I truly enjoy reading about your adventures and seeing your amazing photographs. Thank you so much for sharing your stories and your inspirations. I am mainly housebound in Ontario (VERY cold and snowy right now - Feb 2015) due to various health problems, so it does my soul so much good to see your wonderful photographs, especially at the ocean! Thank you for creating such a wonderful community for us, and for sharing your personal life! Many thanks, Pamela Richardson

Violet Irisovna
Violet Irisovna Fri, 02/06/2015 - 13:32

Ooh, what board games did you get for Christmas???

Sunny Faith Rush
Sunny Faith Rush Thu, 02/05/2015 - 05:31

I love the coast, as well. It fills me up in ways that seem to push out all of the noise and busyness of day to day stuff back home. Time slows down and creativity speeds up. I can sit there against the mighty ocean, and just BE. We spent time at Rockaway Beach last summer, and I look forward to doing it again this year. Dealing with a bad case of Breast cancer (double mastectomy on Jan 13th, and chemo to start on Feb 23rd, so taking care of this situation so that I can get back to doing things I love.). I find the coast a very healing place to be.

Tom Sauter
Tom Sauter Thu, 02/05/2015 - 04:49

Marisa, thanks for sharing your thoughts and photos. I'm happy for you that January was a wonderful month. I wish you and Jordan a fantastic 2015!

Vicki Iseminger
Vicki Iseminger Thu, 02/05/2015 - 04:09

Your month sounds lovely! This post is like a visual the photos!

Kathie Gray
Kathie Gray Thu, 02/05/2015 - 04:08

What a wonderful way to start the year! And such great photos, you have a real knack for photographing and recording the "Here and Now" which I really envy! I hope your year goes on being happy and productive.