Pocket Pages: November & December 2019

Finishing up 2019! It feels good to be all caught up. Usually I have a bit more motivation to finish up because I'm looking forward to getting my photo book printed. Since we're in Mexico right now, I'll likely wait until the summer to actually get the book printed, but I really didn't want these pages hanging over my head that long, especially since I need to get started on 2020! I've got the beginning of the year already waiting for me to decorate!


You can see all my layouts from 2019 here.
layout layout

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layout layout

layout layout


Recent Comments

Marisa Lerin
Marisa Lerin Mon, 05/04/2020 - 07:57
Dani Janzen
Dani Janzen Thu, 04/30/2020 - 11:12

I like the pages that look like polaroid pictures. You're giving me ideas for my own books!