New: Pretty Things Bundle

I have a new super pretty bundle for you this week! Glitter and roses and little shiny bits, just what I dream of when I go to sleep!

Pretty Things Bundle

And if you're looking for something more seasonal, don't miss Brooke's new Crisp Fall Air Bundle.

Crisp Fall Air Bundle

And if that's still not enough for you, don't forget about our month long half price subscription event! Once we get to 100 subscribers, we're going to add a new designer, and trust me, she's amazing! We have 70 subscribers so far, so just a few more and you can meet her! She's got some great downloads ready and waiting for you.


Recent Comments

Helen Darkfield
Helen Darkfield Wed, 01/27/2016 - 19:09

just one word: pretty :)

Donna Bell
Donna Bell Thu, 03/27/2014 - 21:11

Love the fall kit here. I know it will get lots of use

Vanessa Sutherland
Vanessa Sutherland Mon, 09/16/2013 - 01:25

The Pretty Things Bundle looks lovely.

Elif Şahin
Elif Şahin Tue, 09/10/2013 - 14:16

pretty things are really pretty, I'm waiting for the other assets from that kit ^.^

Diane Oster
Diane Oster Tue, 09/10/2013 - 09:41

Love the new kit!!!

Dawn Evans
Dawn Evans Tue, 09/10/2013 - 04:12

Love the pretty things and Brooke's Fall Air is beautifully autumnal!

Val Spiers
Val Spiers Mon, 09/09/2013 - 22:49

The pretty things bundle looks great. I am just about to set up a simple photography studio in my spare room. It is meant for taking pictures of items for my new fused glass shop but you have reminded me that I can take pictures of my own pretty things and turn them into scrapbooking elements.

Dee Brower
Dee Brower Mon, 09/09/2013 - 18:09


Debbie Cramer
Debbie Cramer Mon, 09/09/2013 - 17:34

Beautiful kits. Thank you!

Janet Kemp
Janet Kemp Mon, 09/09/2013 - 16:14

Oh, and Brooke your Crisp Fall Air kit will be so gorgeous for the upcoming fall photos that we have planned. They'd also go perfectly with your Apple kit to form a gorgeous huge bundle!

Janet Kemp
Janet Kemp Mon, 09/09/2013 - 16:11

Ooh, love the new Pretty Things kit!!

Meg Bertapelle
Meg Bertapelle Mon, 09/09/2013 - 14:05

awesome!!! thanks ladies! :D

Rani Losiento
Rani Losiento Mon, 09/09/2013 - 14:03

these bundles are amazing!

Catherine Nonaka
Catherine Nonaka Mon, 09/09/2013 - 13:45

So so pretty! Love it!! :-D