July 2015 in Photos

We've had some busy summer months, and while we're back to the regular schedule now, we spent much of July with family at the coast. It was a lovely relaxing time with good food, lots of reading and some games. The most surprising bit was that it was sunny every day, which on the Oregon Coast is quite unusual. I am tanner now than I have been since I was 15 and lived in the Andes, when it was impossible to not get a tan. I still look down daily at my hands and think, "who's hand are those?" It's pretty strange.

2015-07-03 06.18.22 2.jpg

2015-07-05 09.03.12 1.jpg

2015-07-09 06.46.53 2.jpg

2015-07-09 06.46.55 1.jpg

2015-07-14 06.14.59 2.jpg

2015-07-16 06.05.58 2.jpg

2015-07-22 05.03.45 1.jpg

2015-07-20 01.19.13 1.jpg

2015-07-30 08.12.40 1.jpg

2015-07-23 06.27.18 1.jpg

2015-07-30 08.16.26 2.jpg

Recent Comments

Susan Curtis
Susan Curtis Fri, 08/14/2015 - 09:32

Marisa, I always enjoy your photos. You have a real knack for capturing the essence of the moment.

Marisa Lerin
Marisa Lerin Mon, 08/10/2015 - 09:31

@Beatrice: I generally prefer my games classic, but Jordan likes to play with the expansions...I'm sure you'll be happy with Carcassonne. And Takenoko too when you get it!

Sharilynn Marie
Sharilynn Marie Mon, 08/10/2015 - 09:09

Your pictures of the coast are always so beautiful! I can't wait to visit Oregon and see it for myself.

Vicki Iseminger
Vicki Iseminger Sat, 08/08/2015 - 05:04

Another great month of photos!

Kathie Gray
Kathie Gray Sat, 08/08/2015 - 03:10

What lovely photos, it looks like a wonderful way to spend the summer.

Beatrice Loren
Beatrice Loren Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:27

-to clarify I bought My First Carcassonne. I hope the kids like it. I'm going to try the grown up game too :-)

Beatrice Loren
Beatrice Loren Fri, 08/07/2015 - 11:25

Thanks Marisa! I just bought Carcassonne and it hasn't come yet. I don't think it has those fancy pieces though. I added Takenoko to my wishlist.

Marisa Lerin
Marisa Lerin Fri, 08/07/2015 - 10:50

@Beatrice: That's an old, classic Carcassonne, with a few expansions.

Also photographed, Takenoko (which comes with a panda!)

Beatrice Loren
Beatrice Loren Fri, 08/07/2015 - 08:18

Gorgeous photos. Is it time for a favorite board games part 3? What is the game with those cute pink pieces- the pig and the guys stacked up?