Shaunna Wesselius's Gallery

  1. In The Spring
  2. Love us
  3. Pelicans
  4. Rocking the Spring Puddle
  1. His Will
  2. Winter Garden
  3. Some Bunny Loves You
  4. Hunting for Easter Eggs
  1. Miss Danika- Amazing
  2. Blanket Fort
  3. Our Escape
  4. Love Lives Here
  1. Ancestors Layout
  2. Poppa'sCoffee
  3. Love is teyla and Oma
  4. Dandelion
  1. Brumal
  2. Great-uncle Michael
  3. Making Biscuits
  4. Hoar Frost
  1. Faith
  2. When I Listen
  3. Snow Bubbles
  4. My Handsome
  1. Old Fashioned Girl
  2. Koda
  3. Best of friends
  4. Reading Nook
  1. Awesome
  2. Snow Kisses
  3. Plie
  4. First Moment
  1. My Girls
  2. A Child Is Born
  3. Sing
  4. I sing to the Lord
  1. Merry Christmas
  2. Christmas Angel Teyla
  3. Flurries of Fun
  4. Opa's Hands
