

Similar Gallery Projects

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Recent Comments

Samantha River
Samantha River Sun, 09/25/2016 - 16:58

Thank you guys! I feel like I'm getting better haha!

Elise Fox
Elise Fox Sun, 09/25/2016 - 01:41

Great design! :)

Traci Minnard
Traci Minnard Sat, 09/24/2016 - 00:32

I like this very much! The clean design and use of color. I always have a hard time creating pages for the men in my life. Great job!

Susannah Pani
Susannah Pani Fri, 09/23/2016 - 18:43

This is so awesome. I love everything about it so it is hard to isolate any one aspect, but the patterned circles and the way you made the text and title a main focus of the layout along with the photo really jump out at me.