Tres Momma's Foster Boy

Tres Momma's Foster Boy

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Recent Comments

Melissa Riddle
Melissa Riddle Thu, 12/14/2017 - 18:29

Thanks Kayl!

Bonnie I don't even adopt to people who want to give as a gift unless its like a parent getting for their child. Even then I sorta drill them. These are my babies and they take a big piece of my heart when they go.....I only want the best for them. ;)

Bonnie Ballentine
Bonnie Ballentine Wed, 12/13/2017 - 15:30

Be sure if you give a pet for a gift that the receiver wants a pet and is ready to provide the care needed for years to come.

Kayl Turesson
Kayl Turesson Wed, 12/13/2017 - 07:16

what a cutie! i love your stitching along the bottom and the ribbons stapled at the top right :)