Food Freedom

Food Freedom

More layouts using Green Acres

  1. Oies cendrées
  2. SPRING 3 (cpjess)
  3. Green Acres
  4. Green Acres 03
  5. Green Acres 01

Recent Comments

Jessica Dunn 🦋
Jessica Dunn 🦋 Tue, 08/01/2023 - 10:56

Thanks for your comments Bourico, AMarie, and Jill! And indeed pesticides are a huge issue. I am grateful we have the opportunity to do more for ourselves since we can then control what's going into what we eat. ♥

Jill French
Jill French Wed, 07/26/2023 - 01:27

Very interesting, Jess. Love the page.

AMarie Charp✨
AMarie Charp✨ Mon, 07/24/2023 - 01:40

It's a very good thing, when you can, to produce your own food, even if here in Europe the controls and standards are more demanding on meat. Our problem, like everywhere, is rather pesticides. I really like your page, its layout, the photos and the journaling.

Bourico Casper
Bourico Casper Mon, 07/24/2023 - 00:12

Yes, it's a good idea Jessica, and hummmm so good food!