I Scream, You Scream - The Technique of Eating Icecream

I Scream, You Scream - The Technique of Eating Icecream

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Recent Comments

Kaleena Farmer
Kaleena Farmer Thu, 07/25/2013 - 08:17

Very fun & creative. I really like how you didn't frame all of the photos. Also I love how you only have Charles in the picture with the other two - seems to emphasizes the "two minute technique," so fast I was lucky to get this picture lol.

Harriett Humphries
Harriett Humphries Tue, 07/23/2013 - 18:18

Ha ha, so true to life. Love the descriptions that go perfectly with the expressions on their faces. Great use of the Sweet Things collab.

Tiffany Johnstone
Tiffany Johnstone Tue, 07/23/2013 - 16:49

very cute and VERY creative! Love it!