Sleigh Ride

Sleigh Ride

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Recent Comments

ana merari
ana merari Sun, 03/02/2014 - 17:03


Lorey Lyons
Lorey Lyons Wed, 01/22/2014 - 23:54

I love love LOVE this! Seriously beautiful work!

Marie Ann
Marie Ann Wed, 01/22/2014 - 18:33

Great, great, and more great!

Emily Silverman
Emily Silverman Tue, 01/21/2014 - 05:55

I love the sepia tone...makes it seem very vintage-y. Very nice!!

Catherine Nonaka
Catherine Nonaka Mon, 01/20/2014 - 14:01

thanks so much ladies!! :)

Dia Will
Dia Will Mon, 01/20/2014 - 10:28

Wow... gorgeous! :))

Harriett Humphries
Harriett Humphries Mon, 01/20/2014 - 08:11

Nice layout. I like the BW repeat of the smaller photo. Very nostalgic feeling.

Amanda Lopez
Amanda Lopez Mon, 01/20/2014 - 06:52

This is scraplift worthy. ;)

Amanda Lopez
Amanda Lopez Mon, 01/20/2014 - 06:52

This is absolutely gorgeous Catherine! The colors...the B&W...the clusters...all of it! Great job! :)