Walk the Dog

Walk the Dog

Similar Gallery Projects

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Recent Comments

Julie Cowan
Julie Cowan Fri, 10/03/2014 - 20:40

Also, I've seen TFL in other places. I obviously am lacking in internet acronym expertise. What does TFL mean?

Julie Cowan
Julie Cowan Fri, 10/03/2014 - 20:31

This is just great, Beatrice. Wonderful layout to capture this story! Love it!

Beatrice Loren
Beatrice Loren Fri, 10/03/2014 - 07:05

Thanks everyone.

Judy Daino
Judy Daino Thu, 10/02/2014 - 17:44

Oh this is beautiful!!!

Bina Greene 🎑
Bina Greene 🎑 Thu, 10/02/2014 - 14:13

Absolutely fab!

Amber Murmer
Amber Murmer Thu, 10/02/2014 - 13:57

I love the composition and the way there are so many photos.

Paddy Wolf
Paddy Wolf Thu, 10/02/2014 - 12:45

why can't i ever make a page like this- so much movement going on and yet not crowded or confusing, super!

Ania Archer
Ania Archer Thu, 10/02/2014 - 11:46

This page is so cool. I liked how you arranged photos and papers. Awesome!