Soccer style

Soccer style

More layouts using Here & Now Bundle

  1. out back
  2. the bride
  3. Paper Flowers, left
  4. Paper Flowers, right
  5. introducing: M

Recent Comments

Kristy Davis
Kristy Davis Mon, 02/16/2015 - 19:18

I am always looking for soccer page ideas because my daughter has been playing for about 8 years- so happy to see this!

Alexa Ludum
Alexa Ludum Fri, 02/13/2015 - 05:43

Love that sharing attitude, Julie! I have been learning so much by scraplifting other folks' layouts or borrowing certain pieces or techniques. It is both helpful and inspirational to browse the gallery and then take what I've seen and make it my own. Love this community!

Vanessa Serra
Vanessa Serra Thu, 02/12/2015 - 22:53


Julie Cowan
Julie Cowan Thu, 02/12/2015 - 20:33

Borrow away, Vanessa! That's what this site is all about--swapping/sharing ideas!

Vanessa Serra
Vanessa Serra Thu, 02/12/2015 - 18:41

I really love this layout. Especially the soccer ball in motion. Mind if I "borrow" it to scrap my son playing soccer? lol

Julie Cowan
Julie Cowan Thu, 02/12/2015 - 10:10

Thanks ladies! What's that movie--Bend it Like Beckham? :-)

Krissy Collette
Krissy Collette Thu, 02/12/2015 - 07:02

Great page- I too love the soccer balls!!

Alexa Ludum
Alexa Ludum Wed, 02/11/2015 - 18:22

Really nice! I can't get over the way you used the soccer ball elements coming out of the one picture - just fabulous!