My Life Palette - Word Art Tag (Critical Success)

My Life Palette - Word Art Tag (Critical Success)

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Recent Comments

Brandi White
Brandi White Sun, 07/26/2020 - 13:26

My husband plays Pathfinder, and I play DDO (D&D Online), so d20s are always a fun thing to have! :) Thanks!

Holly Wolf
Holly Wolf Sat, 06/27/2020 - 01:57

I play Rifts and Pathfinder fairly regularly, and have also played Vampire: the Masquerade, Monster of the Week, BESM, Final Fantasy RPG, Battletech, MechWarrior, Cyberpunk, Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Star Wars RPG, d20 Modern, Spycraft, Paranoia XP, Car Wars, Atomic Highway, Tales from the Wandering Vagabond, Munchkin RPG, and of course all editions of D&D since AD&D (pre-Skills and Powers). It's not difficult to collect up a list like that over almost 3 decades, but the number of lives I've lived and stories I've helped create in that time is huge!

Lisel Rice
Lisel Rice Thu, 06/25/2020 - 21:29

So awesome, my husband and son play DnD, so I love this!